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Postmark: 03/30/1943

Return Address:
Pvt. V. Misitano
Co K 342 Inf
A.P.O. 450
Camp Howze, Texas
U.S. Army

Mar. 29, 1943
Mon. nite. 6:30

Dearest Mother,

   Just a few words to let you know that I'm feeling fine and hope that you are the same.

   Mother I received your pkg. tonight. Mom, those cakes sure are good and they're nice and soft, too. I'm glad you sliced the meat mom. I ate a slice already and it sure made me feel homesick, it reminded me of when I used to eat it at home.

   Thanks a lot mother for sending me the pkg. I have another night hike tonight and I'm going to take some of the cakes and candy with me, it will sure come in handy out in the prairie because sometimes I get pretty hungry on these night hikes.

   Mother, I had it pretty soft today. All I did was learn how to shoot a rifle, and different positions in which to get while firing a rifle. We did that all morn. and all afternoon, so tonight's hike won't be so hard. We are going out at 8:30 and coming back at 10:30 so that's only 2 hrs. I'll be out. I don't think we'll walk very much tonight because one of the barracks is going to put on a demonstration for us out in the field and it will take an hr. so we'll walk about 2 mi. that's all.

   Well mother I'll close now with lots of love to you mother dear, daddy, and the kids.

   Your loving son


   Thanks again mother for the pkg. and please don't worry about me because I'm O.K. mother, "honest." In fact I'm getting kind of used to the army.

Supplemental Notes, Quotes, and Anecdotes:

Rifle Training

Photo Credit: A Camera Trip Through Camp Howze (Booklet)

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