June 27, 1943
Sun. Morn. 10:00
Dearest Mother,
I just finished rolling my pack for the bivouac that I am going on this afternoon at 2:00.
I also just received your letter you wrote to me on Thur.
Mother, in your letter you told me not to sign up for what I said I was going to sign up for.
Mother, I won't sign up if you really don't want me to, and if my buddy says anything about him
joining up as we both planned to do after he gets his furlough, well then I'll tell him I changed
my mind. So mother, don't worry any more about me getting any ideas about wanting to sign up for
overseas duty.
Mother you said that I would get married right now if I wish. Mother, that's another thing that
I won't do. I know that to get married you have to have a lot of money saved and also you have to
have a good job, and right now I don't have either so mother don't worry about me getting married
till after the war.
Mother, it's too bad that Phil had a little accident with the car. I'm not mad any more because
I couldn't drive the car, it was just that I expected to drive the car when I came home so I
wouldn't have to walk when I was home because that's all I do here is walk and more walk. Just like
this afternoon at 2:00 when it's the hottest part of the day, I have to go on a 10 mi. hike and I
just came back from one Fri. night.
Mother maybe my next furlough I'll be able to drive the car, and my next furlough will probably
be around Christmas, because by then my maneuvers will be over (I hope). We will probably go on
maneuvers in about 2 more mon.
Mother, about the laundry bag you asked me if I wanted for maneuvers. If you think that you
won't be able to buy it in about 2 mon. from now at the same price, then you could buy it for me now
and save it for me till I send for it, but if you will be able to get them for me any time at all
then you can wait till I'm ready to go on maneuvers and I'll write and ask you to send it to me.
Mother, these bivouacs that we go on now are something like maneuvers. The only difference is that
they're only short maneuvers and we call them a bivouac.
Well mother I guess that this is all for now so I'll close with lots of love to you mother dear,
daddy and the kids.
Your loving Son,
God bless you mother and please don't worry about anything, especially about me signing up,
because I won't