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Postmark: 09/29/1943

Return Address:
Pvt. V. Misitano
Co. K. 342nd Inf.
APO 450
Camp Howze, Tex.
U.S. Army

Sept. 28, 1943
Tues nite 7:00

Dearest Mother,

    Just a few lines to let you know that I'm feeling fine and hope that you are the same.

   I'm still here in camp yet. I'm all packed and ready to go.

   Mother, they gave us all a shot in the arm last nite. I don't know what disease it prevents but it sure did hurt. It made my arm sore for about an hr. but then the pain finally went away. Right now my arm feels as if a needle was never put in it.

   Mother, the camp that we're going to is supposed to be here in Texas somewhere, so that means I still have to put up with these cowboys ha ha.

   We fellows that are leaving don't have to fall out with the co. when they go out to the drill fields. All we do is clean barracks and clean up around the co. area, but we do sleep a lot of the time. I'm making up a lot of sleep that I lost.

   Well mother, how did you like the K. rations. Wasn't it just too divine ha ha. Well, now you can see why I'm so thin. Mother, you might wonder how we eat those rations but you'd be really surprised to see how fast they're finished after a hard day's work. I sent Rosie one and she said that she almost broke a tooth trying to bite one of the little cookies that was in it. But to me those cakes are really good, IF you don't have anything else to eat.

   Well mother it's about 7:45 and me and my buddy want to make one last show, so I'll close with lots of love to you mother dear, daddy and the kids.

   Your loving Son,


   Mother you still can't write to me but I'll give you my new address as soon as I get it.

   Oh mom, don't fall over but I went to confession and communion today in the regimental chapel. The mass was special for the boys on shipment.

   Well mother, good-bye and god bless you. I'll write as often as I can.



Supplemental Notes, Quotes, and Anecdotes:

K-Rations (images and notes from wikipedia:

Breakfast Unit: canned entrée veal (early version), canned chopped ham and eggs (all subsequent versions), biscuits, dextrose or malted milk tablets (early version), dried fruit bar, pre-mixed oatmeal cereal (late version), halazone water purification tablets, a four-pack of cigarettes, Dentyne or Wrigley chewing gum, instant coffee, a packet of toilet paper tissues, and sugar (granulated, cubed, or compressed).

Dinner Unit: canned entrée pork luncheon meat (early version), canned processed American cheese, Swiss and American cheese, or bacon and cheese (cheese entrée all subsequent versions), biscuits, 15 dextrose or malted milk (diastatic malt) tablets (early) or five caramels (late), sugar (granulated, cubed, or compressed), salt packet, a four-pack of cigarettes and a matchbook, chewing gum, and a powdered beverage packet (lemon (c. 1940), orange (c. 1943), or grape (c. 1945) flavor).

Supper Unit: canned meat, consisting of cervelat sausage (early version), either pork luncheon meat with carrot or apple (first issue), beef and pork loaf (second issue); biscuits; a 2-ounce (57 g) D ration emergency chocolate bar (early version), Tropical bar, or (in temperate climates) commercial sweet chocolate bar (late version), a packet of toilet paper tissues; a four-pack of cigarettes, chewing gum, and a bouillon packet (cube or powder).

In total three meals provided 2,830 kilocalories (11,800 kilojoules) of food energy and 79 grams of protein, depending upon components. As it was originally intended as an "assault" ration to be issued for short durations, the K-ration was designed to be used for a maximum of 15 meals. The K-ration was mass-produced by several major U.S. food production companies, including H. J. Heinz, Patten Food Products Company and The Cracker Jack Company.


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