First Days in North Africa:
Excerpts from "The Blue Devils in Italy", The Story of the 88th Infantry Division.
by John P. Delaney
(page 34): Soon the men were on the move again, this time bound for Oran. Who can forget those
back-breaking days and nights aboard those infamous French boxcars, the 40-and-8 of World War I
vintage, but without the horses? Cold C Rations, one blanket, and in the center of each car a Lyster bag
which after a couple of hours of bouncing and jerking had dumped most of its contents over the 40
occupants, especially the poor devil who slept directly under it. The scenery up through the Atlas
Mountains was beautiful, it said in the book, but the struggle for a bit of comfort was so occupying that
few men bothered to look out the doors or through the cracks in the sides of their boxcar homes. When
the troops arrived in Oran, the muddy staging area near Lion Mountain looked like the Promised Land after
those boxcars.
In Staging Area No 2, some brave soul decided that a few truckloads of cinders carefully scattered around
would improve the (muddy) ground surface. Whoever he was, he overestimated a bit and 442 truckloads of cinders,
gravel and fine sand was sent to the area. Every man in the company was turned out on an unloading detail as
trucks kept rolling in through the days and nights for seventy-two awful hours. Tent floors, company streets,
drill grounds, latrine approaches -- every conceivable foot of ground was paved with the cinder, gravel and sand
combination. And still the piles left over looked like miniature Lion Mountains. A colonel checked in on the
third day, took one startled look at the convoys and the squads of men unloading the cargoes with entrenching
tools, and fled. Less than twenty-four hours after the last truck was cleared, the outfit moved. Two weeks
later, just to round out the story, the trucks came back, collected all the sand, gravel and cinders and moved
them to god knows where.
Lyster Bag - 36 gallon water storage/dispenser bag