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Postmark: 02/17/1944

Return Address:
Pvt. V. Misitano
Co. A. 350th Inf APO 88c
c/o Postmaster N.Y.
(Mother's notation: Mar 2nd 44)

Dearest Mother,

    Just a few lines to let you know that I'm feeling fine and hoping that you and the rest of the family are the same.

   Mother, as yet I can't tell you where I'm at, but the place is very nice, and mother, I'm not in any danger so please don't worry about me.

   I'm still working about the same mother, and it's plenty cold here.

   I haven't much time yet mother till I fall out so I'll close mother, dear with lots of love to you, daddy and the kids.

   May god bless you and keep you safe.

   Your loving Son,


Supplemental Notes, Quotes, and Anecdotes:

Training in North Africa:

Excerpts from "Draftee Division", The 88th Infantry Division in World War II by John Sloan Brown

(page 78): Magenta exposed the division to many of the environment and leadership challenges it would encounter in Italy, including peddlers, pilferers, and camp followers. Theft seemed endemic, peddler and pilferer were often the same person.

The Magenta interlude, extending from the last week of December 1943 through January 1944, proved invaluable to the 88th. During this intensive training in rough terrain, the division recovered from the prolonged deterioration of overseas movement.


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