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Postmark: 04/22/1944

Return Address:
Pvt. V. Misitano
Co. A. 350th Inf APO 88c
c/o Postmaster N.Y.

7 P.M.
April 13, 1944

Dearest Mother,

    Just a few lines to let you know that I'm O.K. and feeling fine, and hoping that all at home are the same.

   Mother, when I received your most welcomed letter on V-Mail, and I'm glad to hear that everyone is O.K.

   I'm still in a rest camp mother and still having a pretty good time.

   I still get a spaghetti dinner whenever I go to town, and go to the movies at night when I don't have anything else to do.

   Mother, please don't worry about me because I'm O.K. and tell daddy also not to worry.

   I guess this is all for now mother, so I'll close with lots of love to you mother dear, daddy and the kids.


   Mother, the reason I don't request a pkg is because right now we get all the candy we want in the P.X.

   Your loving Son,


Supplemental Notes, Quotes, and Anecdotes:

Declassified Headquarters Reports, 350th Infantry, April 1944:

April 16 - Our batallian designated the alert batallion of the division. Ready to move out in 2 hours notice. Men showered in afternoon.

April 17 - No rain. Regimental training schedule.

April 18 - Regimental training day. Staff and Company commanders formed an advance detachment to reconnoiter positions of the 2nd batallion 35th Infintry. Moved up under the cover of darkness. Executive officers of batallion left at rest area to bring up troops the following night.

April 19 - Reconnoiter of 2nd batallion 350th Infantry during daylight hours in vicinity of Ausente Valley and Lorenzo. The changeover was position for position and was made during the hours of darkness.

April 20 - 3rd batallion all in position at 0200. Work begun on improving positions.


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