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Postmark: 07/06/1944

Return Address:
Pvt. V. Misitano
Co. A. 350th Inf APO 88c
c/o Postmaster N.Y.

Dearest Mother,

    Just a few lines to let you know that I'm O.K. and in the best of health, and hoping that all at home are the same. I'm not in the rest camp any more mother, but where I'm at it's not so bad of a place. I'll try and write as often as I can mother, but if you don't hear from me too often for a while please don't worry about anything because it will only be that I'm kept too busy.

   Well mother dear, until I get a chance to write again, I'll close with lots of love to you, daddy, Pauline and the kids.

   Your loving Son,


Supplemental Notes, Quotes, and Anecdotes:

Advance into Tuscany

Declassified Headquarters Reports, 350th Infantry, July 1944:

July 5-7: Wednesday, 5 July 1944 brought a directive from 88th Division Headquarters for the regiment to prepare for movement forward to relieve the 1st Armored Division. The regiment moved under cover of darkeness from Tarquinia to the new area north of Pomarance (about 75 miles) and completed the occupation of the sector during the next morning.

The troops rested for the greater part of the day, while sporadic long range enemy artillery fire during the day and night caused no damage.

July 8: The attack moved off as scheduled at 0230 and reached the 1st phase line in one hour. Despite the stiff enemy resistance the initial objectives were reached before dark.

July 9: The push was resumed at 0400 with 1st and 2nd battalions abreast and the 3rd battalion in reserve. Enemy resistance was much stiffer with heavy artillery, mortar and machine gun fire. Progress was slower than the previous day but the regiment showed a dogged perseverence and pushed steadily forward. ... The hard fighting during the day caused a heavy expenditure of ammunition so it was necessary to make a temporary halt for re-supply.

July 10-11: The attack was continued with little progress since orders were to reorganize and strengthen positions.

July 12: The attack was launched at 0900...Savage resistance backed by heavy artillery and mortar fire...

July 13: at 0400 the advance was resumed against weaker enemy rieistance.

July 14: The attack was resumed before daylight and continued throughout the day.

July 15: An artillery barrage started this day's attack at 0500 and the advance progressed steadily against strong opposition...

July 16: the attack started at 0300 with the 1st and 3rd battalions...Objectives were rapidly taken against strong enemy resistance. ...

From the start of the drive on 8 July 1944 the 350th Infantry fought more than fifteen miles across rugged, hilly terrain in which the enemy frequently held dominant observation features. The regiment encountered heavy artillery and mortar fire, thick mine fields and strongly held delaying positions but proved again its capacity to overcome these obstacles and complete its mission on schedule.


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