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Airmail Letter
Postmark: 03/18/1944

Return Address:
Pvt. V. Misitano
Co. A. 350th Inf APO 88c
c/o Postmaster N.Y.

Somewhere on the Italian Front.
March 15, 1944

Dearest Mother,

    Just a few lines letting you know that I'm O.K. and in good health.

   I received a V-mail from you today and enjoyed reading it very much.

   I'm glad to hear that you are all in the best of health.

   Mother, in your letter you said that it had been 3 wks. since you had heard from me. I know that I didn't write very many letters since I've been here, but the only reason is that we were pretty busy preparing to come where we're at now, and not because I'm hurt or anything like that, so mother, whenever you don't hear from me for a while just remember that it's either because I'm pretty busy or in a place where I can't write. But please don't worry about me getting hurt, because I left the states healthy and in one piece and I intend to return the same way.

   We've been having a good bit of rain lately, but today is really a nice day, the sun's out and the mud and water in our foxholes are drying pretty fast.

   I'm getting plenty to eat mother and we get plenty of oranges here too so mother please don't worry about anything.

   Well mother, there isn't much more to say so I'll close with lots of love to you mother dear daddy and the kids.

   Your loving Son,


   God bless you and keep you safe always.

   I love you mother.


Supplemental Notes, Quotes, and Anecdotes:

Declassified Headquarters Reports, 350th Infantry, March 1944:

March 8. An enemy ammunition dump was located and blown up by artillery. More shelling by the enemy on our positions near Minturno. Some enemy action was noted in houses in the vicinity of Scauri. Fire was placed upon the two houses and one house was completely demolished. A gasoline dump was destroyed by the same concentration.

March 9. Our positions were smoked by the enemy at 2030 hours and sounds of enemy vehicles being unloaded was reported. Supporting artillery fire was immediately concentrated in vicinity of same.


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